Naiomi, oil on canvas, 38 x 30 inches

Pricing and Fee Schedule


20” x 30″ $2,000


Small work on canvas 24 x 20 inches
plus 2 works on paper $4500

Medium work on canvas 30 x 24 inches
plus 2 works on paper $5500

Large work on canvas 38 x 30 inches

plus 2 works on paper $6500

The prices listed above are in Canadian Dollars and do not including shipping costs or taxes.

acrylic on paper, 20 x 30 inches

Commissions are also available in unique sizes, and will be priced in relation to the price list.

There is a 15% discount for additional children in the same family. For example, a small work on canvas for a second or third child in the same family would be $3825 rather than $4500, for medium canvasses it would be $4675 and large canvasses would be $5525 each.

Payment will be made in two installments:
(1) 50% of the fee will be paid on confirmation of the commission.
(2) The remaining 50% is to be paid at the presentation of the completed work.

The process takes up to three months. At that time, the completed painting, as well as your colour paper-study will be presented to you