Waters no. 23


Waters no. 23, 2013

56 x 40 inches (142 x 102 cm)

oil on terraskin

catalogue #13TY29,30,

Waters series

Throughout my career I have maintained a practice of working from nature for a period of weeks or months each year. My studio practice is focused on narrative figure painting— building interrelated thematic interiors. The work I create outdoors is an escape from my urban existence as well as a way to refresh specific mark-making that results from painting from direct observation.


My work from nature began to take prominence over the studio narrative in my series, Summertime. The paintings in Oasis and Forest have continued to give voice to landscape as a primary subject.

Waters is a series that developed its own artistic trajectory as I embraced the challenge of working from nature on TerraSkin, a stone-based paper that demands its own technique and carries its own potentials. Using the white of the paper these works have a lightness that sets them apart from previous work.